Monday 4 November 2013

Freelance Writing: One Month in...

What I've learned:

1) Everything takes longer than you hope
2) I love working from home
3) I love working on websites
4) My worry about not being able to pay the bills made me take some really bad decisions in terms of other work I agreed to
5) I am likely to fail at some things
6) I am likely to succeed at somethings
7) Which is (5) and which is (6) is not altogether clear at this stage
8) Many of my friends appear to be juggling much more than me, much more effectively - but I'm okay with that
9) My attitude is becoming 'bad' in the way historically reserved for the 'cool' girls when you're 15 years old. I am not 15....
10) Everything takes longer than you hope

By the end of month one I wanted a website.  I have a 'holding page' which doesn't work on some versions of internet explorer (feel free to let me know if yours is one such!) please have a look at

By the end of month one I wanted to have a rhythm of working on my MA, bar work and working on writing.  I remember a friend of mine wanting something similar a month in to having her first baby.  We were both idealistic in our goals.

By the end of month one - I have two clients.  I have a holding page.  I have a much clearer idea of what I do (and what I don't) want to do.  I have a much greater sense of value and worth of my time and understand I should give it away for free a lot more carefully.

And I know this blog post fails on all of the 'three rules' of blogging.

But all of that is okay.  This is, after all, only month one.

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